I am Olatade Obasan, a passionate software developer currently studying at King's University. I am looking for more experience developing and maintaining applications websites and even miscellaneous items in an attempt to grow in my professional field. Explore my projects and get in touch to know more!
Hi! I'm Olatade Obasan, a passionate full stack developer specializing in creating beautiful and functional web experiences. I am in my fourth year of a Bachelor of Science in Computing Science and hold certifications in problem-solving, Python programming, and video game development. I have a strong foundation in software development. I have professional experience as a Cybersecurity Analyst, Java Teacher, and Website Administration Specialist. I am skilled in various programming languages, cybersecurity measures, and data analysis. I have a keen eye for design and am dedicated to staying current with emerging technologies.
Olatade Obasan
1277 Adamson DR SW
Edmonton, Alberta, T6W 2N7
Generic Fish Game Solver
This Java program, created by Tade Obasan, is designed to solve a game using genetic algorithms. It reads game boards from files, processes instructions, and calculates scores to determine the optimal solution.
3D Maze Game
3D Maze This C++ program, utilizing OpenGL and GLUT, is an interactive 3D maze simulation with various features. Users navigate a maze, which includes walls, cubes, and a projectile, providing an engaging experience. Made by Tade Obasan.
Task Manager
This is a full-stack application built with Laravel on the backend and Vue.js on the frontend, using Vite for bundling. The application allows users to create, read, update, and delete tasks,by Tade Obasan.
Pie man game
Pie Man Game by Tade Obasan - A classic arcade-style game implemented with OpenGL and GLUT.
Budget app
This is a simple budgeting application built with Python. It allows you to add income and expense transactions, view transaction history, and display the current balance.By Tade Obasan
Particle Simulator
This GitHub repository contains a C++ program for a particle simulation using OpenGL and GLUT. The program simulates the behavior of particles in a 2D space, allowing users to draw particles, apply gravity simulation, and enable a black hole simulation. Made by Tade Obasan.
Calendar app
The Calendar App project is a versatile and user-friendly application designed to help users manage their schedules efficiently. It features intuitive navigation, event creation, reminders, and seamless synchronization with other calendar services. The app supports both daily and monthly views, allowing users to easily plan and keep track of their activities, appointments, and important dates. By Tade Obasan.